Friday, 30 April 2010

Evaluation 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Without the technology that i have been taught how to use, I would not have been able to create my media product to the standard that I have. This includes an HD camera, an Apple Mac computer that consisted of Premiere Pro, After Effects and Photoshop. This is software that I am not able to get a hold of outside of school, and before hand I had no knowledge or skills with any of them. So without them I could not even think of how or what I would have used, as they influenced my media product and helped develop my ideas more due what was available to me.


Without After Effects I would not have been able to include any of the effects that I used, I would have been forced to have had a color video, there would have been no overlapping effects or any fading effects at all. So without it I would have been at a serious loss if the technology at hand were not as advanced as it was.


Without the social networking sites I would not have been able to have made contact with the artist I wanted, for permission to use their song in my video. I would have had to use a local band who more than likely not a lot of people would have heard of, I would have had to majorly search for an artists and a song that I did not know to fit with the story I had in mind from my planning and construction stages. To have that idea in my mind of what I wanted, I knew the song I was going to use as soon as I decided on the mise en scene. Without it my entire video would not have worked and I don’t know how my video would have turned out.


If I did not have the Premiere Pro software I would not have been able to construct my video in the way that I have done. I would not have been able to separate the good footage to the bad so easily, and would probably not have included certain effects that I did choose from testing them out on different frames. Not having it would have made editing very difficult, and the process would have taken a lot longer than it did, which would have taken time away from my supporting products.


Having access to HD Video cameras made it a lot easier to film my music video. The quality of the cameras are so advanced to what I have seen before, they make the look of the film to a high standard and the images that you capture are high-quality.


Being able to access social networking sites such as Facebook, My blogger and Youtube I was able to display my media product to a mass of people. This widens my target audience to anyone with access to these sites all over the world, reaching people who I would not have been able to do without these resources. To get my video noticed without technology would have meant a lot of paper work such as posters and advertisement. This also helped me with my feedback because Facebook, Youtube and Blogger allow people to post comments. Without it I would have had to personally obtain feedback which would have limited my evaluation.



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